Hummus Spread
Preparation time
6 hours soaking
15 minutes post-cooking
Cooking time
1 hour
When is it ready?
(not including soaking)
75 minutes
Difficulty level: easy
This is probably the most frequent recipe I use. As I mentioned in the chickpeas salad sandwich recipe, I cook chickpeas every week or so, and when I do, I either use it for various recipes that I added to my website or I add tahini and mash and blend it thoroughly to get this hummus spread. Then I divide it using glass containers so I can freeze them and one by one thaw them whenever I need. This homemade hummus spread obviously doesn't have any preservatives in it, aside from the oil and lemon that helps it to stay good for a bit. We always make sure to eat it within 2-3 days from thawing.
Juice of ½ lemon
½ garlic clove, crushed
½ cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp tahini
For serving:
Extra virgin olive oil
Sweet paprika
Parsley as a garland
Let's get cooking!
With chickpeas you always start with soaking.
Please refer to my Chickpeas salad sandwich recipe to read the instructions.
Now that the chickpeas are ready, you only need to add the listed ingredients and mash it all up with a stick blender. Preferably don’t use a food processor, as it will leave chunks and not mash it thoroughly. The stick blender will do a good enough job in giving you the right smooth texture you want. I found it to be easier to get a smooth texture if you grind & blend the chickpeas right after cooking is done (and not after they were refrigerated). Freeze small portions for up to 2 months. Once thawed, do not re-freeze it and it’s good for about 3 days refrigerated. Goes perfectly with Pita bread or Challah (see Challah recipe).