Difficulty level: easy
Vegan Butter (two kinds)
Preparation time
10 minutes
Refrigerating time
30-60 minutes
When is it ready?
About an hour
As part of my awareness to nutrition and trying to consume more 'clean-labeled' products, I've decided I need to explore how to make my own butter. It always seemed such a hassle, and it never occurred to me it's actually so simple and fast to prepare! There are two versions of butter that I've found. These are not my recipes, and I am merely reporting my findings while exploring the recipes that are out there. I'd love to here what you think, if you decided to try out the recipe/s.
apple cider
vegan milk
Coconut oil
Sunflower oil
apple cider
Chickpeas water
Coconut oil
Sunflower oil
Lechitin-based Butter
1.5oz (45ml or 3 tbsps) plant-based milk
2 tbsps Granulated Lechitin
2.8oz (75g) coconut oil, refined, tasteless
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1/2 tsp apple vinegar
In a microwave, melt the coconut oil and cool it down. In a small mixing bowl, briefly mix all the ingredients together. Using a stick blender, mix all of the ingredients for a few minutes to get the lechitin granules to blend well and "dissolve".
Place the butter-to-be in a rectangular container, on a parchment paper, so after it becomes solid, you can easily remove it from the container and wrap it in a paper to store in the fridge.
It takes about 15-30 minutes for the butter to become solid.
The butter is good for a couple of months.
This is an excellent butter! It spreads really well, and if you add a bit of salt, you can use it as a spread or for cooking. Keeping it unsalted is my preference, so I can use it for cake-baking as well.
Protein-based Butter
1.5oz (45ml or 3 tbsps) water from a can of chickpeas
2.9oz (80g) coconut oil, refined, tasteless
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1/2 tsp apple vinegar
Using a stick blender, mix the chickpeas water with the apple cider for a minute, until you get a foamy texture. This is a small quantity, so the foam quantity to be expected is small as well. Continue to mix with the blender, and gradually add the oils until the resulted mixture is creamy and relatively thick. It will still be very liquidy, and that's okay. It will become solid after refrigerating for about 30-60 minutes.
An important advice would be to use an unflavored coconut oil. If the oil will taste like coconut, it will be noticeable in the final result of these recipes. I like the coconut flavor, but preferably, the butter won't have that taste.
The result is absolutely amazing! This is a creamy, phenomenally-buttery butter!!